XWAME Group Ltd
With over 225 years of collective experience in the manufacturing and technical support of mass spectrometers, our engineering staff offer fast and efficient service and repair of instrumentation.
MS Lab Systems develop and manufacture a range of laboratory benches, nitrogen generator systems and noise reduction units.
Specialising in the CNC-fabrication of precision components, we manufacture for market sectors that include the scientific community, defence, nuclear, automotive, aerospace, medical, maritime, oil and gas

About Us
The XWAME Group Ltd are a collective of engineering brands, operating domestically in the United Kingdom and internationally in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and the Middle-East.
Originally concerned with the international scientific community and it's stringent requirements for exacting analysis, our heritage lies in Mass Spectrometry and complex instrumentation.
We then utilised our expertise and manufacturing capability to offer laboratory benches with encompassing nitrogen generator and noise suppression solutions.
This has led us to offer our manufacturing services to other industries with far reaching engineering applications.